Writing Update March 2023

Happy (almost) Spring everyone! The trees are budding, and we are just about to the end of maple sap collection time in the great white north.

We have collected over 55 gallons of sap from our trees, and now have the task of boiling it down to syrup. With the amount of effort we put into it, sometimes I think it’s just better to get it at Costco.

But there’s something magical about begin a part of the process…

Demon Tide Chapter Three

Matt’s eyes fluttered open as the door to his room creaked. Bennet poked his head through the door. His dark curly hair had grown almost a full inch, as he had.

“You going to sleep all day, Maps?”

“Hey, Cat.” 

Matt stretched, sitting up. ‘Cat’ was the nickname the others had given him because of his quick reflexes. But the name really stuck when he ended up chasing off a…