Ever heard of Ham Radio? No? Well, all you need to do is drive around the neighborhood and look for the massive antenna arrays in someone’s backyard. Peek behind the house and you’ll probably find a…
Writing Update August 2023
Action-packed Christian fiction for young readers, Christian dystopian novel, Christian faith and choices in dangerous times, Christian faith in a post-apocalyptic world, Christian teens confronting demons, Christian themes in dystopian YA fiction, Christian values in young adult fiction, Christian worldview in a dystopian setting, Christian YA novel with mysterious mansion, Courage and faith in the face of darkness, demon tide, Demons and faith exploration for teens, Faith-based demon hunter story, Faith-filled young adult adventure, Inspirational Christian storytelling for youth, Inspirational YA literature, Spiritual battle in YA books, Supernatural elements in Christian YA novel, Troy Hooker, YA novel blending faith and supernatural encounters, Young adult Christian fiction, Young adult protagonists seeking God's guidance