Can Christian Fantasy be a valid genre?
It is a valid question. According to the Bible, Christians don’t participate in fables or old wife’s tales, so why read them?
This statement is usually made from someone who has interpreted I Timothy 4:7 and connected to the Christian fiction/fantasy genre–and usually with good intentions. The purpose of our time here on earth is to point others to God. So, why burden ourselves with stories of no significance?
The Greco-Roman Context.
Most likely, the context of I Timothy was in relation to the mixture of religious ideas that were floating around in Greek culture at the time, leaving people confused about the origins of the universe from God’s perspective. It is possible Timothy was trying to get others to question these myths, and rather focus on the story of Jesus.
But aren’t stories something Jesus used on a regular basis?
Yes, he certainly used fiction to portray truths about the Kingdom of God, and he garnered the attention of thousands on a daily basis. His stories captivated and brought wonder to those who listened to him. Some may call Him the master storyteller. But his stories always had a purpose. Draw people to the truth of His nature, and His love.
Christian authors who participate in writing Christian fantasy/fiction should do well to remember this as they write. Fashion amazing stories with intriguing plots, but always have a purpose in mind. As Jesus did, we should be pointing others toward a heavenly perspective.