Prepping Without The Panic

With all of the events occuring in the last few years, there is little doubt that many of us have considered jumping on the prepping bandwagon. The Covid pandemic, inflation and economic downturns, the Russia Ukraine crisis, and more frequent natural disasters are just a few of the hundreds of potential world-ending possibilities on our minds.Ā 

The prepping world has been screaming “be prepared!” for decades, warning us that if we think that life will continue to go on as normal forever we are kidding ourselves. Of course, many of us dismiss this warning as lunacy and slap the “cultist” label on those crazy preppers.Ā Ā 

However, if we were truly to take a look around the grocery shelves lately, or fill up our vehicles, some of us may admit to ourselves that perhaps they are right–that iPhones and fresh sushi may not be available forever. Not to mention toilet paper.

Prepping isn’t new. Our grandparents understood it, because they lived through the Great Depression. Bread lines, starving vagrant children, failed banks, suicide, bankrupt farmers…became the norm for over ten years. Learning how to ration and properly store supplies was everyone’s job in the family. Growing and preserving food was a means of survival, and it helped many navigate the frequent food shortages that would dominate life.Ā 

Lately, I have been considering my own plan should something like the Zombie apocalypse take over the world. Okay, so maybe not that, but seriously, there are a hundred other possibilities that could cause us to go running for the hills looking for an off-grid prepping paradise. I have to ask myself, am I truly ready should it happen?

If you are like me, the thought of being unprepared in an emergency situation drives me crazy. Crazier than a prepper stuck in a bunker, in fact. Sure, for this long I have ignored the responsibility, but that was before recent events in the world got me thinking. My family is counting on me to take care of them, and as of now, I would fail them.

It’s time. I need to get prepared.Ā 

Get Prepped With Me

I reached out to a good friend of mine, Joshua Chadd (, for some advice. I knew there were plenty of checklists, guides, and advice available on the internet, but I wanted to hear it from someone I trusted and knew.Ā 

Joshua is an author, survivalist, outfitter, gun enthusiast and prepper. Aside from his job as a husband, full-time dad, and writing coach, he authors survival-style no-nonsense end-of-the-world type books, full of bad dudes saving humanity from evil. Aside from being heart-pounding stories, they are chock-full of excellent survival advice and prepping scenarios.Ā 

Credit Joshua C. Chadd

Common Sense Prepping

I sent Joshua a few questions that I had, and I'd like to pass his answers onto you all. Rather than try to explain what he said, I figured I would just present it in a question-answer format. Some of the equipment below are links to Amazon where you can purchase them. In addition, I added a list below that will provide links to sources that will help you get prepared.

What is the reason you started prepping?

Ā Iā€™ve always been fascinated by the thought of what happens afterā€¦? How will people react when there is no governing law, how far will people go? It was the main prompt that inspired my post-apocalyptic series. I havenā€™t been all out ā€œpreppingā€ long (and Iā€™m still only in the minor league), but after these last couple of years it really hit home that we are living in unprecedented times. We have not seen the last of the ā€œshelter in placeā€ orders and, I hope Iā€™m wrong, but I think it will only get worse from here. So I prepare for what is to come and what might happen and you should too.

What are the most important supplies to buy/stock BEFORE a disaster happens?

There is a lot of gear to get before SHTF (You can find the definition of SHTF on the internet btw) and itā€™s hard to narrow it down, but some of the most important ones are: communication equipment (like one of the radios below), non-perishable food & water, shelter (tent/tarp), weapon (handgun for defense, rifle/bow/crossbow for hunting), knife, rope, light source, and other survival gear. You can Google for a comprehensive list and get exactly what you need. Start one piece at a time, until you have a full list of the gear you will need.

What is a good way to keep in communication when all goes dark?

The best lines of communication when the grid is down will be HAM, CB, and GMRS radios. HAM is going to be one of the best as it has the most repeaters nationwide, but they have to be maintained after the grid is down. CB & GMRS radios are going to be good for short range as they are common and GMRS can communicate with simple ā€œwalkie-talkiesā€. Those are the best three.

What are three pieces of advice you recommend considering when planning for a disaster?

The single biggest piece of advice is to start prepping TODAY. Whether you think something will happen in the near future or not, you need to start prepping. The thing is, these skills and gear will not just be handy in the zombie apocalypse or WW3, but they will come in handy with natural disasters or smaller instances.

The second piece is to not only get knowledge of what to do, but get training and practice the skills you will need and test the equipment you buy. Your knowledge will mean little if you canā€™t actually put to use what you learned in a practical way.

The final piece would be to mentally prepare yourself for what is to come. Weā€™ve all lived through something we thought we would never see: stuck at home for months on end, wearing masks for years, shortages of TP (of all things), and more. There is little doubt we WILL experience something like this again, so we might as well prepare for it and not be caught by surprise again.

Prepping List & Resources

So now you may be like me, and are ready to get started with a little bit of prepping. Nothing crazy, just enough so that you feel better about your situation when disaster strikes. Below I have included a short list of the most needed supplies, along with some good resources to do some further reading. Btw, these are affiliate links! I will make a tiny bit if you use these links to buy:)

Basic Prepping Needs (Shelter in place situation)

  1. Food – Ready to eat meals, shelf-stable food
  2. Water – Bottled/Packaged water, water filter or purification tablets, Water jug
  3. HAM radio (must have a license), battery radio with weather alerts, Satellite phone, or GPS Satellite Communicator
  4. Solar charger, battery bank
  5. Cooking stove
  6. Multivitamins, medication
  7. Cooking Fuel & Gasoline
  8. Medical Supplies, Medical/Survival kit
  9. Lighter, matches
  10. Flash Lights, batteries
  11. Weapons, Ammo, Knives
  12. Bleach, Alcohol

Resources & Websites

Final Thoughts

I know Joshua said that we should be prepared mentally for whatever may happen. For us worriers, that may mean learning how to control our anxiety. God told us that we have nothing to fear (Isaiah 41:13), and that he would care for us (Matthew 6:25-34). If you are a follower of Jesus, you have nothing to fear. Remind yourself daily that God is in control, not people, government, or even zombies. Are you not yet a follower of Jesus? Write to me. I would be happy to tell you how you, too, can have no fear. He will care for you, as He does for all those who call on His name.




Standing Against the Darkness

You see it every day. The people you work with, interact with at the grocery store, church, or on the road. Empty. Discouraged. Defeated.

If you were to stop and ask them, they might tell you it’s something they are going through–a family issue, some financial concerns, cancer. But like you, they know it goes deeper than that. There’s something wrong with the world today.

Author Bryan Timothy Mitchell

Never. Lose. Hope.

If you were like me, reading a book about Hell wasn’t the first on the TBR list. It might haven’t been ever on there, in fact, had I not forced myself to take a peek.Ā 

Fantasy Author Grace Pringle

In order to keep up with Grace, you’ll want to pick up her short comedic fantasy romance, Soul Threads, for FREE, if you sign up for her newsletter at