Writing Update March 2023

Happy (almost) Spring everyone! The trees are budding, and we are just about to the end of maple sap collection time in the great white north.

We have collected over 55 gallons of sap from our trees, and now have the task of boiling it down to syrup. With the amount of effort we put into it, sometimes I think it’s just better to get it at Costco.

But there’s something magical about begin a part of the process…

Demon Tide Chapter Three

Matt’s eyes fluttered open as the door to his room creaked. Bennet poked his head through the door. His dark curly hair had grown almost a full inch, as he had.

“You going to sleep all day, Maps?”

“Hey, Cat.” 

Matt stretched, sitting up. ‘Cat’ was the nickname the others had given him because of his quick reflexes. But the name really stuck when he ended up chasing off a…

Demon Tide Chapter Two

The SUV hummed softly as it worked its way up the long inclines. Matt had really no idea what to expect at the property. He only knew that if it had been owned by his grandfather, it was probably going to be interesting—and perhaps even mysterious. One thing would certain, however, and that would be that life would be very different…

Writing Update February 2023

Demon Tide book #2 is now complete! It’s been several months since diving into the first chapters, and frankly I am glad to wrap this one up. Not that it was boring, or the writing getting tedious, but the last few chapters really tested my writing abilities.

I promised myself when I began writing that I would always grow as an author, so I’ve been

Demon Tide Chapter One

“You’re going to miss the window! Do it now!” Matt repeated, watching Ambrose’s drone race past the halfway mark. His was now almost a full two seconds in front of Luca’s drone.

Luca’s hand trembled as he flipped the switch. The drone, as if fueled by an impossible power, screamed forward, leaving the other trailing racers in its wake. With the finish line seconds away, Luca took the last turn with clumsy but incredible speed, now inches behind Ambrose…

Writing Update January 2023

This update will be short and sweet, because I want to get back to it. Why, you ask? Aren’t you a writer? Destined to fill page upon insufferable page with useless fantasies and bland dialogue? Well, yes…

Writing Update December 2022

Christmas is only a day away. Ready or not, the presents should be wrapped, the seventh trip to the grocery store completed, and the house cleaned (mostly). Snow for Christmas? Well, for many of us, that’s an understatement.

Hopefully the stress of the season doesn’t get you too down. With all of the effort to make the season perfect, we can often overlook the need to pause and reflect on what truly matters. We’ve all heard it before, that Christmas should be a time for rest, quality time with family, and a reflection of what the Creator God did for his people…

Troy Hooker's Christian Author Writing Blog November 2022

Writing Update November 2022

Bring on the turkey! I’m ready for a full day of eating all the fixin’s, and then groaning about it later. Hey, there’s antacid for that, right? This month I decided to participate in NaNoWriMo. That is, National Novel Writing Month. Of course my wife Stacy talked me into it, and upon much protest, I […]

The Shadow of Ranger Devore Part 4

Tales from the Cave The Shadow of Ranger Devore, Part 4 The wind picked up outside the little cabin. The two-day torrential downpour had only quit hours ago, but now it was looking like another storm was gearing up for the Sierra Nevadas.  Storms of this magnitude weren’t typical in the summer months in Yosemite, […]

Writing Update September 2022

Okay, I have to admit, I love Fall the best. Call me basic, but I can literally eat anything made out of pumpkin. Pumpkin doughnuts, pumpkin pie, pumpkin pancakes… And of course, pumpkin spice lattes.  My favorite thing about Fall, however, is when the cooler weather starts to move in. Sure, that means less time […]