Who are the Watchers?

Watchers. The first beings ever created, servants of God himself. But who are they?

“We call the angels the Watchers, since they have always been the protectors of people.” ~ Emma Sterling from The Watcher Key.

Celestial beings from the spiritual world.

Many have tried to explain them–and even illustrate what they may look like. However, the truth is we only know them from what the holy scriptures have given to us. Unless you were blessed enough to receive a personal visit from them (as the shepherds in Bethlehem did) you are only left to your imagination and what the ancient texts have taught us.

When man arrived on the Earth, God set a faction angels to “watch” over his new creation.  Most likely they were sent to protect the fragile humans, who were susceptible to sin, disease, and the attacks from the evil one. According to Genesis 6, the benei ha-elohim, or “sons of God” were Watchers who roamed the earth and even interacted with humans. Unfortunately, Genesis goes on to tell us that some of these Watchers became seduced by the beauty of God’s creation, taking for themselves human wives.

And this is where things get really strange.

The women bore children to the sons of God, and out of them a new race was born. The nephilim. Genesis (and the book of Enoch) describe some of them to be “mighty men of old,” and even giants! According to The Book of Watchers in Enoch, the fallen Watchers taught humans astrology, magic, and how to create weapons for war, going against the desires of God for a peaceful world.

And God began to grieve for His creation.

The flood came soon after. We can assume that all of them, with the exception of Noah and his family, were killed in the deluge. Did the mighty men of old perish? Or did God remove them from the earth another way? Perhaps some of them even roam the earth today.

Of course, we can’t know for certain until God reveals it to us.




Standing Against the Darkness

You see it every day. The people you work with, interact with at the grocery store, church, or on the road. Empty. Discouraged. Defeated.

If you were to stop and ask them, they might tell you it’s something they are going through–a family issue, some financial concerns, cancer. But like you, they know it goes deeper than that. There’s something wrong with the world today.

Author Bryan Timothy Mitchell

Never. Lose. Hope.

If you were like me, reading a book about Hell wasn’t the first on the TBR list. It might haven’t been ever on there, in fact, had I not forced myself to take a peek. 

Fantasy Author Grace Pringle

In order to keep up with Grace, you’ll want to pick up her short comedic fantasy romance, Soul Threads, for FREE, if you sign up for her newsletter at gracepringle.com.