Writing Update July 2022

Let’s talk about this past month…

So aside from the fact that I totally skipped out on June’s update and newsletter, I was able to accomplish much the past several weeks. Not only were Stacy and I able to design, edit, and publish the first ever Creative Companion Workbook, The Watcher Key Light Training Manual, but we also managed to finish up the last of the edits for the third (and final) version of The Watcher Key story itself. Package that with a trip to the Upper Peninsula for a Flannel N Chubs market, a few bus projects, and several other smaller tasks, and your days fly by.

Yes, I know, I know, consistency is important with writers. “Make sure you are keeping readers informed.” The nagging writing coach’s words echo in the back of my mind.

“And don’t overwhelm your readers. And make sure to be authentic with your content.” The voice continues. Yeah, yeah. I roll my eyes. 

It turns out that trying to get ahead in the new, digitally-accessible world of publishing isn’t easy. More writers, more competition. More voices nagging clever marketing schemes in the back of your mind.

Needless to say, I didn’t get much writing done in June. I miss it, too. I am right in the middle of book 2 of Demon Tide: Celestial Wars. I envision that each day I have to put off writing, my characters are standing around waiting for their next instructions. I suppose I should just be glad I don’t have to pay them overtime.

With that in mind, I will be booking my cover designer for Spring of 2023. I had hoped it could be sooner than that, but I think they are getting overwhelmed with clients (See above argument for why). That’s okay, however, because I think my goal is to publish ALL THREE books in the new series together!

Why would you do such a thing? Well, I have been hearing from other authors that one way to get noticed as an author is to release books within a month or so of each other, or even several at once–similar to releasing a new series on Netflix all at once. 

So that’s it. Oh, actually, one more thing. AND IT’S BIG!

Our publishing company, Descendant Publishing, will be introducing a new author to our lineup! (Actually, it’s our first) His name is Bryan Timothy Mitchell, and he has written a very exciting mythic fiction book called Infernal Fall

The story is a modern twist on the classic story by Dante Alighieri’s 14th-century epic poem, Divine Comedy. Bryan has weaved together an amazing plot with some powerful character conflicts to bring this story to life. We are very excited to help Bryan make this dream a reality. Make sure to read the official announcement in Descendant Publishing’s newsletter!





Standing Against the Darkness

You see it every day. The people you work with, interact with at the grocery store, church, or on the road. Empty. Discouraged. Defeated.

If you were to stop and ask them, they might tell you it’s something they are going through–a family issue, some financial concerns, cancer. But like you, they know it goes deeper than that. There’s something wrong with the world today.

Author Bryan Timothy Mitchell

Never. Lose. Hope.

If you were like me, reading a book about Hell wasn’t the first on the TBR list. It might haven’t been ever on there, in fact, had I not forced myself to take a peek. 

Fantasy Author Grace Pringle

In order to keep up with Grace, you’ll want to pick up her short comedic fantasy romance, Soul Threads, for FREE, if you sign up for her newsletter at gracepringle.com.