Writing Update July 2024

A storm is coming...

I was reading through some of my newest series Demon Tide in order to get it ready for beta-reading yesterday, and noticed a common theme about my own writing. I love writing about storms.

I noticed this about my previous series as well. A few chapters into the book The Watcher Key, a mysterious storm sweeps over the town of White Pine during the town’s annual Light Festival. 

Why do I love storms?

They are dramatic. Powerful. Sometimes alarming. And for the most part, completely unstoppable. They embody the wondrous force that is stored in God’s natural world. On occasion, that force collides with man, and the results are devastating. 

It reminds me of how small and fragile we are compared to the magnitude of the universe. No matter how science touts its achievements, or how man engineers his progress, a single storm can wipe out those triumphs in a matter of minutes. In essence, it reminds me that we are always at the mercy of God and his creation.

I love to snuggle in bed, knowing there’s a storm coming. Hearing the throaty rumbles of thunder in the distance, watching as the one-billion joules of electricity light up my room with a bolt of lightning. It’s fascinating. Enchanting, even. The power of nature, unharnessed, right outside my window.

I then end up falling asleep to quotes in Twister running through my head: “Rabbit is good, Rabbit is wise.” Or Dusty’s (RIP) famous line: “I crave sustenance!” Just as a tornado rips through the screen of a drive-in movie.

Or (for some reason) I hear the sounds of the Tardis descending to an alien planet. Maybe it’s somehow related to the storm in Oz that picked up Dorothy’s house? I haven’t figured that one out.

The Storms of Demon Tide

Not only do the storms in Demon Tide add to the thrilling ambience of the terrifying scenes, but they serve a plot purpose as well. As Matt and the other main characters hunker down in the mansion, they speculate that these storms must originate from something else–an unearthly, spiritual force, not just a natural one. Discovering the extent of power contained in that force, however, is something they won’t be prepared for.

How's Demon Tide Coming?

Here’s the exciting news. Demon Tide is progressing REALLY well, and is slated for publishing yet this year! Some of the lore and world building elements I needed to work out are finally coming together. My beta readers will have a time helping me work through a few scenes and enhance the character arcs a bit, but I’m really excited to see how it will come together.  

In addition, Stacy is working out the last details for the Kickstarter, which will feature an exclusive, can’t-buy-anywhere-else hardcover edition. We are working on some really awesome additions to the book, like illustrations and cover enhancements.

I won’t be able to do it without you! We will do our best to keep you updated on events and launches as they come, so stay with us on social media and right here in the inbox. Also, if you haven’t followed my socials, I’d really appreciate it if you clicked on the links below and follow me. You are wonderful!

With that, I’m signing off.





Standing Against the Darkness

You see it every day. The people you work with, interact with at the grocery store, church, or on the road. Empty. Discouraged. Defeated.

If you were to stop and ask them, they might tell you it’s something they are going through–a family issue, some financial concerns, cancer. But like you, they know it goes deeper than that. There’s something wrong with the world today.

Author Bryan Timothy Mitchell

Never. Lose. Hope.

If you were like me, reading a book about Hell wasn’t the first on the TBR list. It might haven’t been ever on there, in fact, had I not forced myself to take a peek. 

Fantasy Author Grace Pringle

In order to keep up with Grace, you’ll want to pick up her short comedic fantasy romance, Soul Threads, for FREE, if you sign up for her newsletter at gracepringle.com.

1 Response
  1. Yay, so excited things are progressing on Demon Tide!! And I can’t WAIT to see what you got for the Kickstarter! Looking forward to having you take all my money hahaha.