Writing Update October 2022

My fingers are on the keyboard, but they aren’t moving. No tapping is heard from the keys. There are other things on my mind than writing. What things you ask? Well, I’ll tell you.

It seems–this world has gone crazy. Uncertainty and fear are at all-time highs on the crazy-meter, and it appears some people have lost their minds. Lookin’ at you, Putin.

The world is searching for hope and truth in a myriad of problems, where division splits people into thousands of racial and cultural groups, hate-addicted trolls ravage the internet, where flamboyant greed trumps generosity, violent protests erupt around the world, and entire populations of people exist with too many basic physical needs to count. 

These things weigh on my mind. 

I bet you were expecting a cheery update about how fall colors are abounding and the subtle scents of cinnamon and fresh apples are in the air!

Sorry about that. Fall really is my favorite time of the year. I really do love the colors as the trees explode in hosts of yellows, neon oranges, and deep reds. Brisk, invigorating breezes replace the humid summer air. 

As Stacy and I reluctantly make our way home from traveling upper Michigan in the bus, and I have stopped yet again for another apple cider doughnut sign, I am reminded of the beauty that does still exist in the world. There are good people, and I have discovered more giving, loving people than those that tend to suck the life out of you.

And I have my wits about me. I am happy, and blessed with more than I could ever ask for. 

As I do my best to get back to the keyboard, I push the uncertainty out of my mind. Sure, my mood affects my writing. I bet if I was to ask any author, they would admit it as well. The real question is, however, do I allow my mood to affect my writing? Or should I tamper my feelings and pretend my character is having a good day when his writer is not? I wonder if my readers can discover which chapters exude these ‘authorial’ emotions (I think that’s a real word), OR if they can see if I unsuccessfully tried to swindle my mood. 

I’m rambling, so I’ll spare you any more! I am about halfway through the second book of the Demon Tide series. Things are really starting to get interesting, and character arcs are showing some rich qualities. This winter I plan to get some serious writing in. Cold weather and coffee will be my inspiration. 

That’s all for now. Thank you for being my captive audience. That is–if you read this. If you did, let me know. I’d love to send someone a free signed book for putting up with my ramblings:) And oh, if you get a chance, pray for the world. It needs it.

That’s all. Signing off for now.




Standing Against the Darkness

You see it every day. The people you work with, interact with at the grocery store, church, or on the road. Empty. Discouraged. Defeated.

If you were to stop and ask them, they might tell you it’s something they are going through–a family issue, some financial concerns, cancer. But like you, they know it goes deeper than that. There’s something wrong with the world today.

Author Bryan Timothy Mitchell

Never. Lose. Hope.

If you were like me, reading a book about Hell wasn’t the first on the TBR list. It might haven’t been ever on there, in fact, had I not forced myself to take a peek. 

Fantasy Author Grace Pringle

In order to keep up with Grace, you’ll want to pick up her short comedic fantasy romance, Soul Threads, for FREE, if you sign up for her newsletter at gracepringle.com.

2 Responses
  1. So thrilled that you were able to do a book signing! How fun! I’ll get to do that someday too…

    I think my mood can definitely affect my writing. Sometimes I can push it aside and force my brain back into the story, and sometimes I can’t. One effect I see is that when I’m upset, depressed, angry, etc, whatever scene I’m working on can tend to be overly emotional as well. Sometimes this works out well if that much emotion is called for, but most of the time I end up having to do some serious re-writing, haha. Nobody likes an emo wet rag of a heroine who’s good for nothing but being a hot mess. And that goes for me as an author too hahaha.

    Praying with you, brother. The world indeed is dark, but remember: “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.” – John 1:5

    1. Haha! Emo wet rag… This is so true about the light! It shines the brightest in the dark. And, as much as we wish we could control our emotions, perhaps it also enhances our writing as well? Thank you, Sarah, for your comment! And thank you for being a character in the story!